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妈妈改造 Columbus 俄亥俄州

妈妈改造 俄亥俄州哥伦布市


Mothers make major temporal, financial 和 emotional sacrifices for their kids — 和 the physical changes are real. Areas most commonly affected include the belly, breasts, flanks, thighs 和 labia. 在某一时刻, many moms realize they’ll be even better parents if they feel better about themselves, a combination of custom surgical procedures can make major improvements. Timing is very important, 所以当你觉得为自己做点什么很舒服的时候, 你可以考虑恢复你怀孕前的体格 妈妈改造.


妈妈改造 surgeons

Experts In Every Aspect Of The 妈妈改造

Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森 和 Dr. 米歇尔·西弗特都是了解家庭动态的父母, 以及因为怀孕而发生的身体变化.  They are accomplished, 经过认证的整形外科医生,拥有多年的经验,帮助成千上万的母亲恢复她们喜欢的轮廓和比例.  Often combining 腹部除皱, breast augmentation, 乳房提升, 抽脂术 和 labiaplasty, 我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台一直对他们的个性化护理和美丽的长期效果赞不绝口.

Our surgeons will minimize discomfort, 让疤痕尽可能小,缩短你的休息时间,因为它们可以帮助你恢复你的身体, take back your confidence!


Mommy makeover patient 与 child


妈咪改头换面可以帮助你对自己的身体更舒服,对日常生活更有澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,只需要一次手术和一次康复. This operation combines multiple procedures, including for example breast augmentation, 腹部除皱, 抽脂和阴唇成形术,同时达到多种目的.

By lifting or adding volume to the breasts, removing the common belly “pooch,” 和 tightening or sculpting the lower body, 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台们带着更大的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网和更强健的体魄苏醒过来.

Frequently Asked Questions

如果你注意到以下分娩的任何影响, 你可能是一个很好的候选人,需要结合以下几个步骤:

  • 乳房 asymmetry, sagging, volume loss or flattening, cleavage absence.
  • 乳头增大或浮肿,乳头下垂,乳晕伸展.
  • Need to pad your bras 和 “arrange” your breasts in dresses or bathing suits.
  • Loose belly skin, visible str等h marks, “frowny-face” or “outy” belly button.
  • Thick waistline, paunch or roundness.
  • 可见,小阴唇悬挂或突出,挤压或折叠.
  • Stubborn fatty areas such as “love h和les,”“服务” or “banana rolls.”
  • Unsatisfactory c-section surgical scar 与 step-off or high visibility.

先决条件包括良好的整体健康,现实的期望 & 关注的目标

患者必须清楚地表明他们积极参与决策的动机和愿望. 患者还必须愿意分担善后护理的责任,并按照指示优化自己的结果.

“妈妈改造” is simply a term used when a patient is having more than one procedure. 这意味着妈咪化妆的价格不是一套成本, 也没有单一的"妈咪化妆套装". 妈咪改头换面的费用很大程度上取决于你的目标, the areas of treatment, the necessary OR time 和 anesthesia costs, the cost of implants (if desired), a number of other factors.

因为妈咪大变身对每个人来说都不一样, we will customize your quote at your consultation based on your goals 和 desires. During this consultation, 您的手术协调员将根据您感兴趣的组合为您提供价格. 在与我们的手术团队交谈之前,很难估计妈咪改头换面的价格!


平均而言,妈咪整容的患者至少会选择结合腹部手术,比如 腹部除皱 or 抽脂术breast augmentation surgery. 许多人倾向于同时增加更多的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,因为已经处于麻醉状态和单一恢复期的好处!

For most patients, a 妈妈改造 may range between $18,000 to $26,000.

手术是一个个人决定,往往是当你决定把自己放在第一位时. 我们很乐意回答您关于妈咪化妆定价的任何进一步问题. If you’re eligible for financing, 我们有很多不同的选择来帮助你接受你的妈咪改造,然后付款. 我们的研究 融资选择schedule your consultation to find out which plan works best for you!

您还可以了解更多关于决定的内容 妈妈改造 cost here.

Your consultation is an opportunity to express your goals 和 concerns, 了解潜在的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网并提出相关的问题. Dr. Donaldson或Dr. 然后,Sieffert将根据您的规格帮助您设计定制的手术方法. You will discuss each procedure in detail 和 review your medical history to maximize safety.


  • 过去的医疗和手术史,目前的药物和过敏史.
  • Social history including occupation 和 family support, alcohol 和 tobacco use.
  • Cosmetic treatment history.
  • Psychological 和 emotional status.
  • 其他重要的健康和生活方式方面的考虑.

We always encourage patients to play an active role in the peri-operative process, 一路上问问题,提出顾虑. 这些信息有助于我们的外科医生和他们的团队在为您服务时设定期望并消除意外.

手术前, keep these questions in mind 和 don’t hesitate to bring them up in your consultation:

  • Is the 妈妈改造 right for me?
  • Are my expectations realistic?
  • Can you provide before-和-after photos so I can see your previous work?
  • Where will the scars be located? Will they be noticeable?
  • What’s the best anesthesia plan for me?
  • What costs are involved in this procedure? 这包括从手术到康复的一切吗?
  • What is my role in ensuring the best results?
  • 我的恢复期需要多长时间,什么时候可以恢复正常生活?
  • 主要的风险或可能的并发症是什么?
  • What if I become pregnant after all of this?

On the day of your surgery, Dr. Donaldson或Dr. 西弗特会在术前等候区和你见面回答最后的问题, review the procedural plan 和 place anatomic markings on your surgical sites.


  • 通过均衡的营养达到并保持健康的体重.
  • Exercise in moderation.
  • Ensure adequate sleep patterns 和 rest.
  • Limit alcohol consumption 和 avoid tobacco.
  • 与主治医生一起优化医疗条件和药物.
  • 建立恢复环境并安排支持.
  • 避免血液稀释药物和补品, 例如非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs), Vitamin E 和 fish oil.

是的, there are 妈妈改造 risks, although they are exceedingly rare. 它们包括:

  • 出血和感染(任何手术都可能发生)
  • 不对称
  • Changes in sensation
  • Inability to breastfeed
  • Capsular contracture
  • 血清肿
  • 著名的疤痕
  • 伤口愈合不良
  • 递归式
  • Contour abnormalities
  • Need for revision in the future

Risks 和 complications should be recognized 和 considered before any surgical intervention; however, 这些风险可以通过我们的外科医生的术中技巧以及您的术前和术后依从性和常识来减轻. 严格遵守手术指南和我们的术后团队的指示将鼓励成功并改善您的结果.

More specific risks will be outlined during your personal consultation.

你可能会带着绷带离开手术中心, compression garments 和 in some 腹部除皱s, 手术引流. 几乎所有缝合线都是可溶解的,不需要拆除, you may also have surgical-grade glue or steri-strips covering your incisions.

Arrange to have a support system in place for the beginning phase of 复苏, including childcare, 工作范围, 差事, 账单, 等. so that you can focus on healing. Consider taking one to two weeks away from work 和 primary responsibilities, 四到六周内不要进行剧烈运动. Full 复苏 takes about six weeks. It is important to rest initially, 然后逐渐恢复活动,以确保理想的结果和促进适当的愈合.

In most cases, yes, you will have 手术引流 during the initial 复苏 phase.

手术引流管是插入手术部位的细管,用于排出在愈合过程初始阶段积累的多余液体(如血液和淋巴). 虽然在一些手术中使用引流管是很常见的, 并不是所有的妈咪改造澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网都需要.

Our surgeons aim to minimize the use of drains, as they can be uncomfortable for patients. 然而, 某些因素可能会增加使用排水管的可能性, such as the extent of tissue dissection, the combination of procedures 和 the surgeon’s judgment based on your specific case.


虽然“妈咪改头换面”一词可能暗示这种手术是专门为有过孩子的女性准备的, it is certainly not a rule. 该术语通常用于描述专门设计用于解决女性因怀孕而可能发生的身体变化的美容手术组合, childbirth 和 breastfeeding. 然而, 妈咪改头换面的过程对没有孩子的女性也有好处.


怀孕通常会导致乳房体积的变化, 形状, 皮肤弹性, 隆胸或隆胸是恢复年轻貌美的重要组成部分. The 腹部除皱 addresses common post-pregnancy concerns such as str等hed abdominal muscles, excess skin 和 stubborn fat deposits.

By combining these procedures, 女性可以获得全面的效果,增强乳房和腹部区域, 有效地扭转了怀孕对身体的伤害,提供了一个更有雕塑感和活力的轮廓. This powerful combination caters to the desire for a holistic approach to body contouring, making breast augmentation 和 腹部除皱 the 妈妈改造 dynamic duo.


在怀孕期间, hormonal changes cause the breasts to enlarge, breastfeeding prolongs engorgement. 之后, 乳房收缩, 失去的语气, 胸部下降,偶尔变得不对称. The upper pole of the breast flattens, which diminishes the cleavage line, the lower pole of the breast may take a sagging or hanging appearance.

In some cases, the areola widens 和 ductal scarring can cause the nipples to invert. None of these changes will reverse naturally; however, 所有这些都可以通过手术得到改善或纠正.

  • 乳房 augmentation 最流行的恢复乳房光泽、大小和形状的方法是什么. It rounds the upper   breast pole 和 re-establishes the cleavage line. 隆胸可以让乳房重现许多妈妈觉得已经失去的那种活力和“性感”. 如果需要的话,还可以增加一两个罩杯.
  • 乳房提升 raises the nipple on the chest, decreases the areolar size if necessary, tightens the skin 和 corrects the sagging 和 hanging lower breast pole. This procedure entails more scarring, 复苏, expense than augmentation alone, but it also achieves the most dramatic effect.
  • 乳头 can be released 和 corrected during breast surgery 与out further downtime or scar. Modifications can be made to any of these procedures to account for underlying asymmetry.
  • 乳头减少 可以进行缩小突出,下垂或浮肿的乳头. Our surgeons utilize a minimally-invasive technique that preserves sensation, 颜色, ductal function 和 circularity while decreasing the width 和 projection.


Developing babies cause three major disruptions to the mother’s abdominal wall.

  1. The rectus abdominus (or six-pack muscles) spread apart 和 may not completely realign. 这种“心休息期,或分离, 平躺时产生凹槽,站立时产生微妙的丰满感,模仿早期怀孕.
  2. Extra “baby fat” accumulates around the stomach 和 may not completely disappear. 它通常发生在肚脐和阴部之间, but it may appear as bulging higher on the abdomen or beneath the ribs.
  3. The skin str等hes out. This may include str等h marks, loose hanging areas, 扭曲的肚脐和/或“宽松”的品质. 对于许多母亲来说,明显的剖腹产疤痕加重了这些抱怨.

A 腹部除皱 (abdominoplasty) reverses these three changes by repairing the abdominal muscles, 去脂, tightening the skin. 肚脐下的妊娠纹和剖腹产留下的疤痕也可以改善或消除. 这个澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网有几种变体. A “full” abdominoplasty includes extensive muscle repair 和 repositioning of the belly button; a “mini” removes the fatty bulge 与 less muscle manipulation 和 no changes to the belly button.


侧翼, Hips, 大腿 & 生殖器区域

分娩后,母亲通常需要六个月到一年的时间来减轻婴儿体重,并确定新的基线体质. This may include rounder curves, fuller features or isolated deposits of fat. 针对年轻妈妈的新发现可能包括“腰间赘肉”,”“服务,“松饼”和“香蕉卷”等. 抽脂术 能把这些斑点和受影响的区域拉平、塑造和轮廓吗. 不同的方法包括传统吸脂术、超声辅助吸脂术和其他技术.

分娩后小阴唇也会伸展和突出, 最终导致亲密关系中的不适或尴尬. 阴道整型的 恢复敏感性,紧致,更年轻的轮廓.

Make Time For Yourself

In many families, the kids tend to come first… perhaps now it is time for you!  It is difficult to keep giving to others when you don’t like the way you look 和 feel, 而且,妈妈化妆可以显著改善因生孩子而最常受到影响的部位. 功能 medicine can also help address your metabolism, 激素水平, 压力标记, physical activity 和 mental health.

Dr. 唐纳森正在和澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台讨论手术方案

Schedule Your Consultation & Reclaim Your Confidence

You’ve done so much for your family, it’s okay to do something for you! If you’re interested in improving your overall appearance 和 confidence, 我们邀请您安排一次咨询,以确定您在哥伦布的妈咪改造的选择, 俄亥俄州!



More About The 妈妈改造
