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乳房缩小术 俄亥俄州哥伦布市

Ease the burden By Reducing 乳房 Size

Disproportionately large breasts can cause back pain, 颈部疼痛, 肩膀上开槽, limitations in sports and other physical activities, 衣着不合身,在社交和亲密场合缺乏自信. 缩胸手术 literally lightens your load, improving quality of life while empowering you to look and feel your best with beautiful, 自然的结果.


Donaldson breast reduction surgery patient

Don’t Let Your 乳房s Weigh You Down

手术前, 许多澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台说,他们被胸部的重量所累, they’re limited physically and socially. 两个博士. Donaldson和Dr. Sieffert are board-certified plastic surgeons who perform hundreds of successful breast reduction procedures each year. 他们会用最新的技术让你的乳房变小, 圆, 更高的, 更有活力,更符合比例,痛苦和停机时间最少.



Benefits Of 乳房缩小术

  • 01


    缩胸手术通常可以改善活动水平和活动范围. Women with disproportionately large breasts may face physical limitations that lead to discomfort and restrictions in movement. 手术后, patients immediately notice 更多的 freedom and ease during exercise and performing daily tasks.

  • 02


    胸大的人很难找到合适的胸罩和衣服. 做过缩胸手术的女性发现她们可以穿小一点的, 更轻的, less binding bras… or no bra at all!  也, 更广泛的服装风格成为可能的货架上, 包括合身上衣, formal dresses and swimwear. This newfound freedom in selecting and wearing clothes can be one of the most fun and rewarding advantages of having surgery.

  • 03

    可以减轻疼痛 & 应变

    Excessive breast weight can cause chronic aches and discomfort in the neck, shoulders and back. The neuromuscular strain can cause tension headaches, postural problems and motor imbalances. 缩胸手术 alleviates these anatomic problems by reducing the strain on the supporting bones and muscles.

  • 04


    丰乳引起的不适会扰乱健康的睡眠模式. 缩胸手术 improves sleep quality by reducing physical strains that impact restfulness. 较小的, 轻的乳房, patients are simply 更多的 comfortable, their energy levels and overall well-being improve as they’re better able to sleep.

  • 05


    Excessively large breasts can lead to self-consciousness, negative body image and emotional distress. 通过手术获得更匀称的乳房大小, 我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台通常会经历一种改变人生的自信和自尊提升. They feel 更多的 comfortable in their bodies, 并被授权以更大的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网参与社会活动.

Frequently Asked Questions

乳房缩小术, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical procedure for reducing breast size. 乳腺组织, 脂肪, skin are surgically removed, 剩下的乳房组织和皮肤被抬高到胸部, 以更好的比例. 为博士. Donaldson和Dr. Sieffert, breast reductions typically include a 乳房提升.

如果您可以识别以下描述符的任何组合, you may be a cadidate for breast reduction surgery:

  • You are generally physically healthy
  • Your breasts are fully developed
  • Your expectations are realistic
  • 你不抽烟
  • 你的乳房限制了你的体育活动或社交活动
  • You feel that your breasts are too large or pendulous
  • 乳房的重量会导致背部、颈部或肩部疼痛
  • 你经常会因为支撑大乳房的胸罩带而留下凹痕
  • Your breasts have stretched skin and hang low
  • 当你的乳房没有支撑时,你的乳头在乳房折痕以下
  • Your areolas are enlarged due to stretched skin
  • You often have skin irritation beneath the breast crease

We want to have a conversation with you! 我们的团队会询问您的愿望、生活方式和健康状况. 在一起, we will decide your optimal breast size as well as any other improvements that can be made during your breast reduction surgery.

Come into your consultation prepared to discuss:

  • 你做手术的原因,你想要的结果和你的期望
  • 任何医疗状况,包括药物过敏和医疗
  • 你目前的药物,维生素和草药补充剂
  • Your use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs
  • 以前的任何操作
  • 你的乳腺癌家族史和个人乳房x光检查史, 超声波, MRIs or previous breast biopsies

We may also talk to you about any emotional issues you have dealt with relating to your breasts and whether your breasts physically limit you. Our team will take measurements and photographs, discuss how much tissue, 脂肪和皮肤需要去除才能达到你的目标. 我们将描述手术技术和典型疤痕.

最后, 我们将为您提供有关如何准备手术的具体信息, which may include referrals for imaging, or stopping certain medications.

  • Do you think I’m a good candidate for this procedure?
  • 为了达到最好的结果,我应该做些什么?
  • What surgical technique do you recommend for me?
  • What will my recovery be like?
  • 这个手术的风险和并发症是什么?如何处理?
  • Will I still be able to breastfeed?
  • How will my breasts look over time?
  • Do you have a gallery of before and after photos for this procedure that I can look at?
  • What are my options if I’m unhappy with the outcome?

我们的团队将为您提供具体的建议和指导, but you may also be asked to:

  • Undergo lab tests or a medical evaluation
  • 调整你目前的药物或开始服用某些药物
  • 做乳房x光检查
  • 戒烟,通常至少在手术前两到四周
  • Avoid taking aspirin, herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs, which may increase bleeding

It is important to prepare for your recovery so that you are not scrambling to make arrangements after surgery. You will need a driver to and from surgery, 以及手术后24-48小时内身边的人.

What To Keep At 首页 For Recovery:

缩胸手术的并发症并不常见,但也是有可能的. 这些风险可能包括:

  • 感染
  • 著名的疤痕
  • Changes in breast or nipple sensation
  • 麻醉并发症
  • 出血
  • 血凝块
  • 乳房 contour and shape irregularities
  • 乳房不对称
  • Potential inability to breastfeed
  • 液体积聚
  • 对胶带、胶水、缝合材料或注射剂过敏
  • Possibility of revision surgery

考虑怀孕状况和计划是很重要的, 纹身的位置, nipple piercings and other breast conditions in advance.

缩胸手术的真实费用取决于几个不同的因素, including the amount of tissue removed, 方法, 或时间, anesthesia costs and 更多的. 在提供评估时,考虑这些因素是很重要的. With all factors included, the average breast reduction cost in 俄亥俄州哥伦布市, 7美元起,000 to $10,000.

You will receive a customized quote during your initial one-on-one consultation for your breast reduction. 此报价在你方协商后六个月内有效, 所以你有足够的时间考虑你的决定或研究我们的不同之处 融资选择.

No. Insurance companies typically dictate how much breast tissue must be removed for your surgery to be deemed medically necessary before they will cover it. We believe this is taking away your power to decide, along with your surgeon, what is best for you. We believe the amount of breast tissue removed should be left up to the patient and their plastic surgeon — not dictated by a health insurance company.

Insurance Companies Have Strict Policies

If you are seeking breast reduction through insurance, you should know that insurance companies will consider the breast reduction procedure “cosmetic” until a patient can prove a number of health issues caused by having large breasts. There are stringent requirements you must meet before you qualify — most insurance companies require proof of (on average) 6 to 12 months of conservative treatment measures including chiropractic treatment, 物理澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, dermatology referrals for rashes & 更多的.  Ultimately if they agree to pay for surgery, 他们只是为较小的尺寸付钱,而不是为了最好的外观.

我们的外科医生在全身麻醉下进行缩胸手术. This means that you will be asleep for the operation, which usually lasts between two and three hours.

There are two primary options for incisions which begin with cutting around the pigmented area or nipple-areolar complex (NAC). Dr. Donaldson或Dr. Sieffert will recommend the best choice for you.


  • A keyhole-shaped pattern, with an incision around the areola and down to the breast crease
  • An anchor-shaped or inverted T-shaped incision

Throughout the procedure, the nipple remains attached to the underlying breast tissue in 99.9%的病例. After the incision is made, 乳晕直径通常通过切除周围皮肤来减小 the nipple is repositioned 更高的 on the chest.

Underlying breast tissue is reduced, lifted and shaped. 很少, if breasts are extremely large and pendulous, the areola and nipple may need to be removed and replaced to a 更高的 position on the breast. 这就是所谓的自由乳头移植,它是为特殊情况保留的.

We Attempt To Minimize Scarring Throughout The Procedure

内部调整完成后,将关闭切口. 将这些切口合在一起可以重塑新的小乳房. Sutures are layered deep to superficial in order to create and support the new breasts. All sutures are dissolvable under the skin, a final layer of skin adhesive (surgical-grade super glue) is used to protect the skin. These incision lines become permanent scars, but they usually fade and improve over time. We also offer additional nonsurgical treatments to help diminish the appearance of scars, including Morpheus8 skin tightening.

Your Procedure May Look A Little Different

虽然上面列出的步骤描述了典型的缩胸手术, 也有例外. In some cases, excess 脂肪 may also be removed through 抽脂术 尤其是乳房两侧和腋窝下.  “Bra 脂肪” can also be removed if it bunches between the front of the armpit and the top of the chest.

手术后, your incisions will be covered with light dressings and a supportive sports-style bra that detaches in front. This bra is worn during recovery to minimize swelling, support the breasts as they heal and hold breasts symmetrically during the healing process without an irritating underwire.

我们的团队会给你开一些止痛药来减轻你的不适, 并为您提供具体的术后指导. 我们的工作人员将协助您协调后续预约. 通常, you can resume your normal activities within 1-2 weeks and rigorous athletics within 4-6 weeks. Scars should fade within 6-12 months.

Schedule Your Surgical Consultation With Us

乳房缩小术 can help in a multitude of ways, as the procedure tends to decrease pain, improve mobility and enhance self-esteem. Many of our patients have reported an overall improvement in quality of life after undergoing this procedure.


We invite you to get in touch with us today to discuss your goals and schedule your initial consultation!

